Well, well, well,
It's been a while hasn't it? I have to apologize for that, but I guess there's not much else I could do. After two months of searching, arguing, and pleading...there is NO high speed internet access for us where our house is located. Not right now anyhow. So as much as I hate it, we have finally succumbed to signing up for a dial up service. The slow speeds are killing me, but at least we'll be able to do things like add to this blog on a regular basis.
An update on us then... Things are going pretty well, a bit of the winter cabin fever for all of us but we're making it through, We've had a couple of rain falls but still have 2 feet of snow on the ground, and where there was no snow because of plowing or snowblowing - ice. Smooth and slick like a skating rink. Naomi took a slip the other day, not as bad as some of the ones I've seen her do in the past, kind of a slow motion jerk forward, she landed on her knee, has a pretty good bruise too. But she'll be fine.
Over the past week and a half I have been working on making a DVD movie of us to send home, we just watched the final product this morning and the girls all laughed at themselves and their antics, It's tough to be sure if they are overly pleased with themselves or embarrassed. probably a bit of both
not sure if I can get a portion of the video up here on the blog too, Maybe I'll try, (maybe not...dial up remember) Anyway I hope those of you who get a copy enjoy it, we're already working on ideas for the next one, If you have ideas let us know and we'll see what we can do.
The girls are now running along in school like nothings really changed, infact Chloe has just spent two weekends in a row spending the night at someone else's house. Fayth is making friends and Infinity has a "boyfriend" named Gavin, who she asks if she can call him at home just about every night after school, she gets really squirrly and cute when you pester her about how cute he is too... ahhhhhh young love.
Naomi is still looking for work, things are pretty tight for the whole community up here, and there are not a ton of jobs to be had beyond fast food, and we're doing fine on my income, I don't want her to go back into that unless its a last resort, The plus is (are you ready) she's finally talking about going back to school, possibly for nursing. I think that's great and I really can't wait to see it happen
Anyway, I don't want to make a long post too much longer, updates will be much more regular now
enjoy the day every one
D :)